Friday, January 27, 2017

Birth of a Blog

Hi. It's me again. 

I haven't written a blog for a long time. I'm pretty sure it was 2010 or 2011 when I let my e-spaces fall to the wayside. 

In the meantime, a whole lot has changed. I finally made it legal with the mister. I changed jobs. I've undertaken some educational ventures. Oh... yeah, I also gestated and birthed two more tiny humans, bringing the grand total to three. Impressive, I know, and even more so when one considers that all three are alive and, dare I say, thriving! 

I have arrived at a point in life where the state of the world, the state of my family, and the state of my mind have converged to resurrect the writer's itch inside of me. Not that I have any clear concept of subject matter. Which is to say, expect this to go anywhere. Or maybe nowhere. It's probably going to be a mess.

(Gratuitous pic of me and my Tiny Humans)